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Study Eng/drama

1 - 솔로몬 가족은 외계인 (영어 듣기)




Alright we're still taking calls on those UFO sightings, and I'm on the line with Jannifer who claim to have actually met aliens.

Jannifer : Gary, I have been sucked up by alien spacecraft many times, and I can tell you they are among us.

Gary : Really? Now what do you suppose they want?

Jannifer : Well.. They want my eggs to start their own alien race.

Gary : Whoo Thanks for calling~ Hello you are on the air.

caller2 : I saw 4 aliens in a car, I think it was a Rambler.

Gary : whoo Stylish!

Dick : Everyone fully formed? everyone got 10 finger, 11 toes?

All : Check

Dick : Good. I guess we're in. Everyone comfortable?

Harry : I have 3 holes in my face.

Dick : can anyone get your head to swivel to the rear?

All : No.

Dick : How are you supposed to lick your back?

Tommy : Maybe you do what they're doing.

Dick : Look. Life forms, and they're cleaning each other.

Selly : Look at us, I can believe we look like them. Is anybody else sweating under their breasts?

Dick : NO. in fack I don't have any.

Harry : I have tiny ones.

Dick : Quick Look that women is gonna drive with her feet.

Women : Don't U people have a home?

Dick : No, we don't. But Thank you for the idea. See, She Called us people. Listen, it's that signal they keep sending  into space.